Useful Information

Arrival and departure times

Check-in time is 14h00 and check-out time is 11h00. Any variations on these times must be advised by guests prior to arrival at the camps and are at the sole discretion of the camp manager.

Catering requirements

Please inform our reservations department upon reservation of any special dietary requirements. Regretfully, we do not have a kosher kitchen but special arrangements can be arranged on request. Please also advise us of any guests who will be celebrating a birthday or special occasion.

Dress code

The dress code is casual, but neutral colours are recommended on game drives. A sweater may be required at any time, while during the winter months (May to September) very warm clothes, including a windbreaker (jacket), are essential. Please note: we do request that gentlemen wear long pants to dinner in the evenings.

Drinking water

All water in the camps is filtered to the highest standards and is perfectly safe for drinking.

Private safari vehicles

Exclusive use of a safari vehicle can be arranged upon request, but is subject to availability. Only a limited number of exclusive safari vehicles can be guaranteed at any one time. This service attracts a fee per empty seat per day out of six at MalaMala Camp and Sable Camp, and per empty seat per day out of four at Rattray’s Camp.

Health, safety and general information

We follow all health and safety protocols. For further information, please contact our central reservations office who are able to provide you with these details.

Indemnity form

All guests are required to sign an indemnity form on arrival at camp – please find a copy of this for download under downloads on the footer.

Internet connection, mobile phone coverage and DVD players

Mobile phone coverage and wireless internet connectivity are available at the MalaMala Game Reserve camps. Guests at Rattray’s Camp have Wi-Fi internet connection, satellite TV and DVD players within their suites. Please note that the use of laptops and cellphones is restricted to individual bedrooms out of respect for other guests. Mobile phones must be put on silent during game drives and in the public areas. There is a communal DVD player at both Sable Camp and MalaMala Camp. The DVD players also have multi-card readers, enabling guests to view their digital photos on the attached television screen.


Maintenance is ongoing and there are weekly and monthly checks on all equipment. Original parts are fitted to maintain warranties and the efficient running of all equipment and machines. We have a fully equipped workshop and maintenance shop with trained personnel.


Malaria is endemic to the Mpumalanga region of the country, including MalaMala Game Reserve and the Kruger National Park. We are not aware of any guest who has contracted malaria while staying at MalaMala Game Reserve but in the interests of your personal safety we recommend that precautions be taken.

We are proactive in respect of the measures we put in place to control mosquitoes within the camp and Peaceful Sleep, a mosquito repellent, is available in all rooms and on game-drive vehicles.

Please consult your physician for further information on the various antimalarial prophylactics available.

Payment at MalaMala

  • Credit cards: MasterCard, American Express and Visa are accepted in rands at all our camps.
  • Cheques are not accepted at any of the camps.

Power supply

220V AC current is available 24 hours per day.


We recycle all goods at MalaMala, including plastic, tin, paper and glass.


  • All our rangers & management staff have a minimum level 1 first aid qualification – some staff have a level 2 & level 3 qualification. First aid bags are carried in both game drive and transfer vehicles and fully equipped first aid bags are available in camp together with a trauma first aid bag and a full doctor’s bag.
  • In the event of an emergency we are covered by Park Doctors, a privately owned medical assistance company that provides emergency medical assistance services) and in the event of any medical emergency we utilise their services for aircraft evacuations.
  • There is a doctor at Skukzua Village which is 45 minutes away and a private hospital is 120 mins away.

Tour leader/pilot/driver/guide policy

Accommodation for bona fide tour leaders, pilots, drivers or guides is offered in B-grade accommodation. The reduced rate is solely for accommodation and meals. This rate does not include game drives and/or any other special activities available to full-paying guests at the camps. However, we will make every effort to ensure that tour guides accompanying a party are included in all such activities.

Travelling to South Africa with children under 18 years of age

South African authorities require that all children under the age of 18 travelling with adults to/from South Africa be in possession of their original unabridged birth certificate.

The following regulations also detail the necessary documents needed when minors travel with one parent, family members or friends, and can be found on the South African Department of Home Affairs website:

For more information, contact the South African Department of Home Affairs, 0800 60 11 90 (toll free from South Africa); or your local South African Embassy.


South African value-added tax (VAT) is currently at 15% and is included in the price of most goods, services and hotel accommodation. Foreign tourists qualify for a VAT refund on items purchased and taken out of the country upon departure. No VAT refund may be claimed on goods consumed or services rendered in South Africa.

What to take

  • Antimalarial prophylactics are essential all year round. Please consult your physician.
  • Comfortable walking shoes, sun hats, sunglasses, sunblock.
  • Cameras and binoculars.
  • Summer: lightweight clothing and swimwear, warm clothing for game drives.
  • Winter: light clothing for daytime, very warm, insulated jackets for game drives.

Travelling to MalaMala