Highlights of the week

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April 8th

Another MalaMala 7 day! Lions: 4 lionesses of the Southern pride and their 2 cubs were viewed south of Flat Rocks. 8 leopards: the Tslebe Rocks male was seen at Mlowathi Dam. The Kikilezi female was at Sand Pit Crossing. The DOKF 3:3 was opposite Main Camp. The Emsagweni female and her 2 cubs were viewed at their den. The Bicycle Crossing male and an unidentified male were viewed south of Charleston North. Cheetah: the 2 brothers were at Clarendon Open Area. Cape hunting dogs: the pack of 3 were found near West Street Bridge. Hundreds of elephants were viewed today as well as a few buffalo bull sightings.

April 7th. Lions: the 2 Matshapiri males were found this morning with the 2 Fourways lionesses and their 4 cubs just north of the Windmill. Leopards: an unidentified leopard was viewed near Matshapiri Open Area with a treed bushbuck kill- 2 hyenas were at the base. The DOKF 3:3 was seen at Piccadilly Triangle. Cape hunting dogs: a pack was viewed in the south western parts of Flockfield. Many elephant and buffalo bill sightings.


April 6th. Despite it being cool, wet and windy day the game viewing was good. 3 lion sightings: 3 Gowrie males were seen along the northern reaches of the Mlowathi River. The Eyrefield pride were north and west of Rattray’s Camp. The Matshapiri pride were at Confluence Crossing. 2 leopards: the Treehouse male and the West Street male were viewed today. Cape hunting dogs: the pack of 3 killed a young impala at Lion Waterhole. 2 ostriches were also viewed at Clarendon Open Area.


April 4th. Fantastic sightings were enjoyed again today! Especially regarding the ‘spotted’ predators. Lions: 1 young male lion was viewed in front of Main Camp- ID to be confirmed. Leopards: we were following the Treehouse male on the eastern bank of the Sand River close to West Street Bridge when we noticed a female on the opposite bank. When we relocated her she caught a young bushbuck and instead of killing it, proceeded to play with it for 10mins. This caught the attention of the Treehouse male who came charging across from the eastern bank and chased the female off. He killed the young antelope and ate it. The Airstrip male was viewed in front of Main Camp around midday and the DOKF 3:3 was seen at the causeway. Cheetah: a male cheetah was located at our Airstrip and was followed eastwards across the Sand River before he killed a young kudu. Later in the day he was chased off by a clan of hyenas who proceeded to fight over the remains. Countless elephants were viewed as well as scattered buffalo sightings.


April 3rd. Cheetah: 1 male was l found at our airstrip and another male was viewed in front of Rattray’s Camp- unusual terrain for a cheetah to be in! Lions: the Matshapiri pride (both males and the female) were at Buffalo pans. Leopards: the charismatic Island female was just south of Main Camp. There were at least 200 elephants seen today as well as many buffalo sightings.

Travelling to MalaMala